Monday, June 6, 2011

Hats in the Media

Hats and headwear are getting so much press lately. In the wake of a general hat revival that's been building over the last several years, the recent royal wedding has only increased world-wide interest in putting stuff on heads.

It seems like just about everyday this year, there have been articles in newspapers, fashion magazines, and on the radio talking about hats.

Whether you loved it or not, after the wedding, Princess Beatrice auction off her famous 'pretzel hat' for over $130,000 for charity, which was a nice thing to do.

Here are just a few other recent media mentions:
The Kansas City Star talks about hats as fashion accessories and health aids for sun protection.

A slideshow of hats from the royal wedding.

This article The Daily Mail announces headwear's renewed popularity in the US, with a few good photos.

CBS News agrees, mentioning the 1930s-1940s style fedora as an emerging trend.

Kentucky Derby fashion, which is mostly about hats.